Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm so sorry blog, I've been a horrible blog Mommy and I know you're probably mad at me. But real life got in the way, so you'll have to understand.

 I am trying my hand at pattern writing today, and given that this is my very first time trying to make what I made with my hands into words and directions that anyone else will understand I'm nervous. I rarely use patterns, and tend to free-style more than anything else when I work so this is new.

Ok so here we go!!!!

This pattern is for a 2T size, as it's the only size I made when I started this. I'll add alternate sizes as I go, and have time to work them up and get counts! And after round 3 I didn't count, and since I'm writing it from memory I don't have st counts. If you want to help me and count as you work you can be listed as a contributor when I release the pattern for sale on Etsy and other sites.

****Cluster stitch is used, which I will detail how to do and include links to OTHER PEOPLE'S TUTORIALS at the end of this. I can only post what I used to learn the stitch and in no way take credit for her work.

Create a magic circle and chain two. You will NOT count these as a stitch as we continue. Pattern is worked in the round and we will not be joining in between rounds. Just work it in a complete circle.

Round One: HDC 10 times in magic ring. DO NOT JOIN. 10 HDC

Round Two: 2 HDC in each HDC - 20 HDC

Round 3- 1 HDC in first st. 2HDC in next stitch. Continue this all the way around for a total of 30 st. Mark your last stitch with stitch marker.

Round 4- 1 HDC in next two st. 2 HDC in the next stitch. Continue this until the end of your round.

Round 5- 1 HDC in next three st. 2 HDC in the next stitch. Continue this until the end of your round.

Round 6- Cluster stitch in the first HDC and chain one. Sk next stitch. Cluster, chain one and sk stitch next to that. Continue around.

Round 7-12 Repeat Round six a total of 6 times, alternating colors every round.

Round 13- sc in every st. around

Round 14- sc in alternating color in every st around. Finish off and weave in ends!

Now, sit back and admire your handi-work!

This is a link to a video tutorial to how to complete a cluster stitch, although in this hat I used a cluster of 3 insead of 2 DC, which is worked the same way but instead of pulling through all the hooks after two DC you make one more and pull through 4 loops on your hook instead of 3. I hope that makes sense to you!