Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oh it's a crap tastic day today!

  Not for any real reason, mind you. It's just HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT (really friggin hot) and humid. We had a storm, for 5 minutes. I didn't break the humidity, just made the ground wet. Whoops, sorry Mother Nature, I totally forgot you HATE our corner of Ohio!

  In other, totally unrelated news, I finally got some sleep, and feel like a decent human being again, mostly. Of course, I would like more sleep, about 3 straight days worth, but that's just me! The Boy is going stir crazy being locked up in the house, but it's better than the potential of getting heat stroke and dying by playing out of doors. And no, I'm NOT overly dramatic.

  As promised, here is the story of "the fireworks". So the other night, The Boy goes down for bed at about 9 pm, standard for summer time, as it stays light outside till well past then, and there's no school in the morning. At around 10 I hear a kid outside screaming his head off, so me being pissed that it'll wake The Boy, I storm down there to see WHY all the noise. It's my neighbors, whom I like, so it's ok. I talk for a while, then J decides to go get some fireworks from Sheetz to screw with the boys! Little did we know how they'd react! N LOVED it all, and couldn't get enough poppers and sparklers. The Boy was petrified of the snap poppers, but got used to the sparklers. Little J was just a MESS over the sparklers, and I have a brief video of him screaming in terror. Because what fun is waking your kids up at night to terrorize them if you don't get proof that it happened!








































The blonde gal is the neighbor and the man is her fiancee, I hid behind the camera that entire time. Also, my poor car smelled like eggs for 2 days after this. No one was brave enough to get the smoke bomb lodged under it!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


  I.AM.SO.EXHAUSTED. Part and parcel of this "condition". But A LOT of work got done in 36 hours. My apartment is CLEAN, organized, and re-arranged, it looks great. Mother did it all, and I'm so thankful she did. It's been exhausting, just for the fact that I don't sleep well when I know she's here. It makes me anxious, I don't like leaving people in my home alone. It makes me feel bad. Oh well.

  I went to Cheesecake Factory last night, and it was wonderful. I want to go back tomorrow, and the day after. I just wish I'd remembered to grab my food from the Friend's fridge. Oh well I'm sure he'll eat it tonight!

  I have pictures to add tomorrow, when I"m NOT so sleepy (hopefully) of our fireworks escapade. It has a pretty funny story that I just don't feel like typing all out right now.

  In the mean time, I'm frustrated with trying to figure out Blogger and their layout system. I don't like their templates, and trying to do my own is NOT easy like Myspace (yeah I know...I know) is. They're a piece of cake, this, not so much. So it'll look janky for a while. Deal with it. <3 Another thing I want is one of those cute little add on siggies ya'll have. JEALOUSY!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Impromptu Dr. visit

  Had to swing by the good ol' doctors office today, because I'm a huge worrier. HUGE. Everything is "good" though. Just a slightly elevated BP and hormonal headache. So I'm relieved, just wish The Boy would have been calmer. He was all over the place and in general stressing me out because the office is TINY. I would pay good money to have a little play area, or even better, child care while I see the midwife. Just 15 minutes alone so I can talk in peace, or even remember what my questions were!!! Ah. Oh well, I have some more pictures.


  I figured out what the GodAwful smell was. Mulch. Cheap, nasty mulch. I've never smelled anything like it in my entire life, and Mother is a religious mulcher! Geeze ow it stinks, still. It's been about 48 hours since they laid it out, and it's going strong.

  In other news they're finally coming to clean my gutters, after 6 phone calls/voicemails complaining about it! Now I can actually open my living room window instead of being terrified it's going to sprinkle rain and POUR into my apartment, thus ruining more carpet. I think I'm going to weasel new carpets out of this whole fiasco. Mine are stained from a horrid bitch ex-roomate (who is now currently shacked up with Rowan's dad. Classy, right?) and one of The Boy's painting excursions. So then maybe, if that works, I get my security deposit back. Evil me. SCREW THE MAN.

  Got a few pictures yesterday, the kids were being funny, and every time I tried to get a pic of The Niece all over The Boy and his game, they'd move!

 That is all for now. Nothing interesting has happened as of late. I'll be sure to tell you if it does though.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Popcorn and Fromundah Cheese

  That's what I smell right now, and it's downright AWFUL! I don't know who made it, but I'm fairly certain it's the stupid fat chick at the end of the hall whom I cannot STAND. She lives here, for no reason, other than she won't work, and yadda yadda. Always fighting with her even fatter girlfriend, ALWAYS burning some strooong ass incense (which The Boy and I are highly allergic to!). Ugh. Just the icing on the cake. I'm pretty sure it's justifiable homicide, or at least assault if I go down and knock her block off for that foul and offensive stench.

  The Boy is SUPER wired right now, and I have no idea why. He just is, won't stop talking, and singing, and rolling around on the floor, you name it. I'm ready to just crawl into bed. I'll say this a million and one times, I'd LOOOVE to have central a/c. To every one of you with it, I hate you in this moment. My fingers happen to be too swollen to type, and I'm utilizing my Backspace key like a MOFO!

  Oh, one more thing, to all the hoodrat ass kids out here who apparently have no mothers and were raised by fucking wolves, SHUT THE FUCK UP. It's 9 pm, and my tired fat ass is ready for my 4 year old to go to bed. No can do with you illegitimate welfare tickets out there fucking screaming until 11. I'm calling the cops tonight, at 9 pm sharp. And every 30 minutes thereafter, until you get the point. Last week you decided to run through my building at 10 pm screaming and slamming doors, then trying to FIGHT me because I locked you out. You don't live here, I do, I get to lock doors. So shove it. Crawl back to your hole, where your mother pays you no attention, utilize that "school learnin" they're trying to force down your throat and get the hell out of here. I'm sick of your shit.

  Can you tell I don't like the kids here? I don't like their parents even more. I don't let my child run unsupervised, nor was I allowed to do such as a child. It's absolutely mind boggling that there are 10-15 pre-teens running around until 1 am through here. Really parents? How about we take care of those kids or relinquish them to the state??? I'm so ready to move out of ready. Hopefully this spring!

My boobs

 Started working this past week. I'm really really not happy about this. I'd hoped for AT LEAST 4 more weeks of milk free bliss before this baby. Not.Going.To.Happen. Nuh-uh no way. Now not only am I depressed about giving birth and never sleeping again, my boobs aren't even mine (not like I need them, or anyone else for that matter). It's just a "final straw" situation. The one thing that happened on top of all else that made me cry like a b**ch for 3 hours. Which only made the pain and itchy leaky feeling worse. Yeah, so while grateful for having fountainous breasts and no trouble in the supply department, I'm a little sad. I officially only had a 1 year reprieve of NO breastmilk. "Overachievers" is what my doctor labeled them. Joy.

 Ok, I'm through whining. I really feel as if I shouldn't, but it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to. It's been a really long rough week, and I'm not sure I even want to open the blinds or go outside this week, for fear of it repeating. Yes, I'm afraid of having a Groundhog's Day.

 Yesterday was Gram's 65th birthday, and all in all, for having spent the entire day at my mother's house, it wasn't so bad. Normally it's only an hour or two before Mother gets so high strung and anxious that I'm ready to explode with frustration. No one yelled yesterday (not counting kids). That's an event. I got some pictures, and not much else to add right now. My brain is foggy due to the distinct lack of egg salad and bread in my kitchen.

 We played baseball:

 I tried to get a few shots of The Niece. Didn't work out too well. The brat will let her mother take pictures ALL day, and will ham it up. I try, NO GO!

 There were Brats to be had (which I LOVE). One of my big cravings has been for Miracle Whip and Mustard (on anything) so these are right up my alley. I took a picture because I'm fat and love food to an inappropriate level.

And this is what happens when I get caught taking a picture of the food. Folks, meet my family....

And now folks, 29 week bare pasty white belly shots, if you're one of my friends who has NO desire to see them, now would be the time to tune out. I feel even more adamant about taking a picture every week, change or no, in homage to those of you who still desperately wish they were taking them too.

Those boobs are large and in charge....and leaking.